Contact us
Contact us
Hermes Phone LLC.
A Nexcom Telecommunications Company
60 East 42nd Street, #1166
New York, NY 10165
For Customer Support
- Email,
- Dial 1-866-662-7244
or 1-888-670-0768 for USA or 44-203-318-2092 for UK
Make a payment by phone (Credit Card)
Call 1-866-662-7244. You will be asked for:
- your name,
- your address,
- your credit card information.;
- When account is successfully opened you will receive:
- your PIN,
- dialing instrucitons.
Make a payment with a bank transfer
Send your bank transfer to
Account: Nexcom Bulgaria
IBAN: BG 50 CECB 9790 10C0 8876 00
Central Cooperative Bank
Indicate your name and telephone number. If you are recharging, indicate the first part of your PIN. Once we receive your payment, our representative will call you at the number you have given to confirm.
Make a payment on-line
If you want to recharge your existing calling account please log into the client area first.
If you want to open a new calling account follow the link below. You will be asked for:
- your name,
- your address,
- your credit card information.
- When account is successfully opened you will receive immediately:
- your PIN,
- dialing instrucitons,
- an email with all the above information for your archive.
Open your calling account on-line now »
Make a payment in cash
This is where we currently accept cash payments. Choose the location that best fits your needs.
Nexcom Bulgaria, Sofia 1421, 75 Krum Popov Str.; tel. +359-2-490-1-490
Nexcom Croatia, Zagreb 10000, 4 Zeleni Trg Str.; tel. +385-1-6060-333
You will be asked for:
- your name,
- your address,
- your cash payment.
- When account is successfully opened you will receive immediately:
- your PIN,
- dialing instrucitons.